Friday, February 13, 2009

The reason we go...

by: Nick Cleveland

There is something exciting about 200 students gathering in front of multiple buses and loading in under an hour. There is something exciting about the caravan of 4 buses trailing up 250 to Sandusky. There is something even more exciting about seeing nearly 800 students and leaders gather to celebrate God's presence together. There is something exciting about the set up of the Kalahari Retreat weekend; the band pumping the music, the video cameras catching all the action on the giant screens, the laughter of students as the speaker holds their attention in the palm of his hands, the excitement of hearing the stories of peers whose lives have been changed by Jesus, watching the dramas, hearing the songs, playing the games, & of course enjoying the amenities of north america's largest indoor water park...all of which is truely exciting.

BUT, nothing is more exciting than lives being changed forever! Saturday night Jeff Bogue shared his heart with students and from what we know 16 students gave their lives to Christ for the first time (pause here to listen to the celebration going on in heaven - that's REALLY exciting). That same night over 300 students made a commitment to sharing their lives and the hope they have with friends who need Christ (pause here to see if you can do the math on the impact that could have - that's REALLY exciting). The entire weekend featured the body of Christ celebrating God together...800 voices lifting Jesus on high! (pause here to see if you can depict the smile on God's face - that's REALLY exciting).

Since the Kalahari the office in which I work has seen many students come through the doors...most of which are dealing with the truth from God's Word that they were confronted with at Kalahari. Some convicted, some confused, some ready to take a step in obedience, some ready to start a new life in Christ. ALL impacted - that's truely exciting.

Who knows all that God did during those 50 hours in Sandusky, but the evidence I see is REALLY exciting!

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