Tuesday, February 10, 2009

O the pizza...

by Rachel Snyder

To pick up right where Ben left off. . .

We got there and wowee who knew that the wind chill was going to measure up to a whopping 5 degrees BELOW zero!! It was a mad dash to get our bags from under the buses. . . .I don’t think I’ve ever seen 200 people so motivated to sort through luggage and help each other get inside! Whew. Then we had to find our room…I’m not sure how we did it…but all 200 of us found the people we were crashing with for the weekend and made the haul to our rooms. On the way to our wing of the resort we walked by (in complete awe) the WATER PARK….it looked just like it did when we left it last year, but somehow it was even more awesome this year! You could feel the energy as we talked about the toilet…about the lazy river…about the indoor/outdoor hot tub. It was like walking down memory lane. I can’t count the number of times I heard “you remember last when?” The emotions were tremendous and the excitement was uncontainable…I even heard somebody say, “Hey, guys! You remember that awesome pizza that they served us last year on the first night….”

It was a race to get to dinner to eat that hunk-o-pizza that they serve….but it was a bigger race to the main ballroom after dinner to save “front row seats!!” Wow. . .and that’s where the real excitement began…so many things happened behind the doors of the main ballroom, but I’ll let some body else pick up the story tomorrow.

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