Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ten Dollars

by Daron Butler

In my duties as a pastor I get to meet people who walk in our church looking for help.  This week I got to meet Jay (name changed for anonymity). 

He shared his story.  I could not relate as he painfully regurgitated how hard his life has been.  Both parents died.  His wife wants to leave him.  He is unemployed because he had to leave his job to try to make things right with his estranged wife.  He needs meds to regulate his condition. In his words, “I’m just trying to keep it together.”

He needed money to buy gas, dress clothes, and a haircut for a job interview the next day.  I know that our church helps those who need food.  Jay had a job prospect, housing with a friend, and had access to food.  Many who come for help don’t have any food.  Still, his needs were great.

So God prompted me to give ten dollars for gas money to use a friend’s car to get to the job interview.  The job interview was a done deal, or so he said. 

Now you may feel cynical like I did. But I got to thinking as I summarized his situation.  He needed help.  He had no one.  He had no family.  He only had one friend. 

I was a stranger to Jay.  Yet God brought him into the church and into my office.  So I gave him my money and prayed for him. I also prepared a bag of dress clothes for him to pick up.  Whether he comes to pick the clothes up or not, I want to do what God prompts. 

When God prompts you to help, you must offer aid.  When the Holy Spirit moves you to act, you must engage.  When the Lord brings the person back to your mind, then you must be fully devoted to Him and give.

My challenge to you is to follow God’s promptings and see what God does through you.  Anyone can minister.  Be courageous!  Step out in faith and watch God work.  You will never be the same as you discover how good God is and how he provides for you.   

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My favorite things to do during the Christmas season...

by Ben Framstad

Okay, I'll start the list, but you need to comment and add your favorite thing to do, too...

1) Caroling to people's houses that will be especially suprised by the visit. Then ending the night with a some great coffee/hot chocolate.

Now it's your turn! If you read this, you need to contribute :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ever Feel Alone?

by Ben Framstad

This week I met with a student who felt alone. This person was so brave to talk about doubt. I took both of us to some great scripture passages about how we can never be seperated by the love of Christ. Then I showed this student this music video. Hopefully you will be blessed by it :)


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Question Cards

by Josh Atkins

We just recently instituted "Question Cards" where students can write down questions that they have and I (someone) will answer their questions on Sunday morning (our main program). Here is the first question I received...

"My friend used to go to a strong Christian church. Then about a year ago, her family started attending a Universal Unitarian Church. She is convinced that we are all evolved from apes. I know she doesn't believe the whole Bible is true. I don't even think she believes there is a God that I tell her about. What should I say to her? Should I try to convince her otherwise?"

My Initial thoughts/responses:

- I'm pretty sure that a girl wrote this question. Mostly because of the handwriting...and because middle school guys don't have too many friends that are girls (or was that just me?).

- I need to do some research on the Unitarian Church. While I've heard different things about them, I don't want to say something about them that I haven't first read for myself.

- Is this really where I want to open the Creation vs. Evolution can? I'm thinking maybe a series as opposed to a 5-7 "element" in our service.

- The Bible's validity is being called into question. And if this friend doesn't believe that the Bible is true, no amount of proof-texts are going to show her that it is true. It might be time to get out the "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" book.

- She is already sharing her faith with this friend. She talks about God and says, "that I tell her about." The relationship is there and the groundwork is already being laid. She is doing exactly what she should be doing.

Any thoughts/responses from your end?

Christmas Time at the Clevelands

by Ben Framstad

Last night the entire Student Ministries paid staff and their families met at the Cleveland's for our annual Christmas party. Nick and Vicki were great hosts (I think I can die happy after eating the meatball dish Vicki made). Most memorable of all was our game called "Loaded Questions." One person would read a question on a card and everyone would write down their answers. Then another person would read off everybody's answers annonymously, while the reader of the question would have to guess who said what. Some of the favorite answers of the night were:

Q: At what protest would someone spot you at?
A:"The million man march."

Q: What are you a self-proclaimed expert about?
A:"Toliet Obstructions"

Q: If you could be the author of any book, what would it be?
A:"The Final Workout: Darker Days of the Richard Simmons Career"

Q: The most irresistable quality about me is...
A:"My Communist Tendencies"

Yikes! What a fun time. Our sides hurt from laughing. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Get Fired Up!

by Nick Cleveland

Students who are learning what it means to live for Jesus in front of their friends gets me fired up! We have many students at Grace who get me fired up. One such student took it upon herself to encourage friends at school this fall by dropping scripture notes in their lockers. That’s where God got in the mix and in His sovereignty began working in the heart of one of her friends. Then she sends me this message over facebook…

“hey there. so right now im actually shaking as im writing this. soo cool lol. anyway so tonight at soccer practice, me and my friend and I were passing the ball and talking for like 10 minutes. and she just randomly brought up church. she said "so dude i wanna come to church again and to small groups" i said "okay sweet if you ever need a ride we could take you" she said "do you like church? is it fun?" i said "Oh yeah i love it. so much fun dude. cause at church you meet so many new people and make soo many new friends that you can trust and talk about anything with them so its pretty sweet." she said "oh thats cool. like i know people who hate church. but i wanna get in the habit of going cause when i get married and have kids i wanna take them to church and stuff. my parents dont take me and my sister at all but i really want to go." i said "aww yeah thats soo cool that you actually wanna go. yeah me and god are like tight" she said "ha ha sweet" i said "are you and god 'tight'" and she said "ummm no well im not really sure" - signed a 10th grader at Grace.

There you have it. On the field friend-evangelism. Reaching the normal with the message of the super-normal! If that story doesn’t get you fired up…

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


by Ben Framstad

Man oh man - what a holiday. I'm so thankful for a period of rest where I was able to rest and spend time with family. On Tuesday, I left Wooster to drive to my hometown, Fremont, OH. Back in Fremont, I didn't do anything particularly out of the ordinary but hang out at home. But here's a look at every day.

Tuesday night - Got home, decided to start a puzzle (it seemed like the right "holiday" thing to do). My dad and worked on it for a half hour or so only to realize that we were missing pieces. We couldn't even get the outter rim of the puzzle done. How disappointing. We scrapped the puzzle and watched a movie.

Wednesday - I hung around the house mostly, but got to go to Grace Community Church (http://www.gracecom.net/) for their Thanksgiving service. There I got hugs from people I haven't seen in a while and caught up on life. After the service I went over to my brother and sister-in-law's house for their annual "cereal party". All their friends brought a box and we ate cereal and played some wii. It was most enjoyable.

Thursday- This was really relaxed. Both my brothers had Thanksgiving with their wife's families. My parents and I watched the parade and ate postroast.

Friday - Bring on the Turkey! My brothers and their families came over to the house and we spent some good time goofing off. Nearing the end of the day, my parents and I went over to my brothers house to watch "Get Smart" on his flat screen. Apart from the few parts, the movie was quite enjoyable. Finally, I went to a friends house and had a short Fremont friend reunion. We played this game called "Boxers or Briefs." Thankfully, it involved no underwear. Wait - that came out wrong...

Saturday - Drove back to Wooster and showed my other brother and his family my house and the church. Now they have a picture of where I live and what I do so when I talk with me on the phone, they can visualize how life is going.

So what am I doing this weekend? Wouldn't you like to know... :)