Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Biggest Fans

by: Rachel Snyder

One of my biggest passions is high school basketball. Probably because it has been one of the most impactful experiences in my life so far. Last night after the LAST open cafe, I got to go with two of our students to watch the Smithville/Waynedale sectional game at Triway high school. These two girls that I went with are in a small group together along with a player from Waynedale. Now, mind you, one of these girls i went with was from Smtihville. But she came to support her small group friend -- and sat on the Waynedale side (w/ her bright green Smithville Letterman Jacket, but that's beside the point). I was completely impressed by the support that these two girls gave to their small group, despite the rivalry. It was so awesome to see a connection stronger than their school affiliation. And despite Waynedale's loss, seeing the small group together, laughing, smiling and encouraging each other after the game reminded me of the value of our small groups and the connections that become possible because of them. I feel completely blessed to be a part of HSM because these girls reminded me of the deep connection that comes when friends are following Christ together. It is so cool to watch you guys be a part of and investing in each other's lives.

This is a shout-out to Ellie Shoup, Amanda Gessel and Abby Kauffman. :)

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