Monday, February 23, 2009

If you want to walk on water...

by Nick Cleveland

YOU'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF THE BOAT! That's the title of John Ortberg's great book on 
living a life of faith. Yesterday I used that title as inspiration for HSM! It was a wonderful service yesterday that saw a great game of "Will it Float?", a solid worship set, Sydney's powerful story of life change in Christ, a drama, & the message.

In Matthew 14 Peter & the disciples encounter Jesus...walking on water. It's interesting that as Jesus approaches the boat the disciples really had 2 choices. (1) they could stay in the boat (2) they could walk on water. In our current series called "Hooked" we're discovering how to overcome temptation. In my mind when it comes to temptation (the easily entangling sin in life) we can either stay in the boat with it or get out and experience something else...much better!

So whatever you might be facing in matter what sin has entagled matter what temptations are all around you, God has called you to get out of the boat and to do something extraordinary! Remember...if you want to walk on water, YOU'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THE BOAT!

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