Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ten Dollars

by Daron Butler

In my duties as a pastor I get to meet people who walk in our church looking for help.  This week I got to meet Jay (name changed for anonymity). 

He shared his story.  I could not relate as he painfully regurgitated how hard his life has been.  Both parents died.  His wife wants to leave him.  He is unemployed because he had to leave his job to try to make things right with his estranged wife.  He needs meds to regulate his condition. In his words, “I’m just trying to keep it together.”

He needed money to buy gas, dress clothes, and a haircut for a job interview the next day.  I know that our church helps those who need food.  Jay had a job prospect, housing with a friend, and had access to food.  Many who come for help don’t have any food.  Still, his needs were great.

So God prompted me to give ten dollars for gas money to use a friend’s car to get to the job interview.  The job interview was a done deal, or so he said. 

Now you may feel cynical like I did. But I got to thinking as I summarized his situation.  He needed help.  He had no one.  He had no family.  He only had one friend. 

I was a stranger to Jay.  Yet God brought him into the church and into my office.  So I gave him my money and prayed for him. I also prepared a bag of dress clothes for him to pick up.  Whether he comes to pick the clothes up or not, I want to do what God prompts. 

When God prompts you to help, you must offer aid.  When the Holy Spirit moves you to act, you must engage.  When the Lord brings the person back to your mind, then you must be fully devoted to Him and give.

My challenge to you is to follow God’s promptings and see what God does through you.  Anyone can minister.  Be courageous!  Step out in faith and watch God work.  You will never be the same as you discover how good God is and how he provides for you.   

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