Monday, October 13, 2008

Cleveland Browns Game

by Ben Framstad

Tonight, I'm going to my first NFL football game ever. It will be the Browns vs. the Giants. I think I already know who will win. It doesn't matter who wins for me, to be honest. I'm just stoaked to go and hang out for the night. I love sitting with sports fans. Everyone's excited to be there and though people don't know each other, you feel a sense of camaraderie among people because everyone's rooting for the team together.

Though I've never been to an NFL game, I've been to a handful of Major and Minor League baseball games. There was this one time when I was sitting in stands just beyond 1st base. You know how you always wish for them to hit a ball into your section, so you can catch it? Well, that was my ambition for that game, as it was for everyone else in my section. You see, the section near 1st base gets a lot of foul balls hit into it. Anyway, my wish came true...sort of.

This one player hit a screamer right into my section - right at ME! I remember seeing the ball go from being really small and far away to steadily and quickly getting bigger and bigger. I ducked (as well as everyone around me) and the ball shot past my head and hit the guy behind me in the butt (he had stood up and turned around to protect himself). The ball rebounded and landed in a group of cub scouts 20-30 feet away. Boy were THEY excited! I was just thankful for my life. My face would have been forever changed had I taken that ball to the head. There was a lady a few rows back that had a panic attack because of that ball. 

So...I guess if the NFL game is anything like that experience, I'll have a good time. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats a great sroty ben lol. I was like those cub scouts once when at a baseball game a ball bounced off this guys arm and landed at my feet. It was awesome!
-Bre Johnston