Friday, August 29, 2008

Food, Glorious Food!

by Ben Framstad

"Food, glorious food!
We're anxious to try it.
Three banquets a day
Our favourite diet!"
~from the musical "Oliver!"

Yesterday, I was invited over to a Adam's house last night for supper. Adam is a guy in our student ministry. He runs cross country, which earns him major points in my book because I ran cross country in high school, too. Check this out - on Tuesday, the guy ran 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) in 19:17 minutes!!! You try doing that. Not too many normal people can.

Anyway, his mom made this amazing GLORIOUS meal. We had grilled chicken, green beans, croissants and jam, cheesy potatoes, salad, and watermelon. Everything tasted perfect. To add to this spread, Adam's mom brought out for desert chocolate zucunni cake, with cream cheese frosting and chocolate chips on top. I'm protecting Adam's full identity so that everyone who reads this post doesn't show up tomorrow for dinner. Seriously, it was a great meal, and I was really blessed.

I can't believe how hospitable people can be sometimes. Isn't that what Jesus told us to do, though? He said that the two greatest commandments ever are to #1) "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" and to #2) "love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these" (Mark 12:30, 31). Yesterday, true love was demonstrated to me and I'm amazed. A family, who loves the Lord with all their being, took time out of their day to love me.

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