Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Small Groups

This afternoon, I spent the whole time working on small group curriculum. Currently we're working through the book of Ephesians in High School Ministries. Students have learned by studying chapters 1 through 3 of who they are in Christ. God has given them an incredible identity.

Maybe you're a student and you're reading this blog. Do you ever leave school some days thinking "I don't even know who I am..." It's tough sometimes when everyone else seems to fit into some group or clique. I remember when I was middle school questioning who I was.

If you're an adult, do you remember feeling this way? Ephesians 1, 2, and 3 all answer this pressing question that everyone has asked: Who am I?

This week, High School Ministries is embarking on Ephesians 4, which answers the question "Alright, now that I know who I am, what do I do?" The answer? Behave and act like the person God created you to be. Ephesians 4 stresses two things in order to begin - pursue unity and live a holy life.

In your pursuit of unity, how have you treated those at Wooster Grace? Is there someone who you've wronged? Is there someone who has wronged you? If so, it's your calling from God to gain unity back and seek reconciliation.

It's exciting to see Students secure their identity in Christ. By doing this, they're in the process of becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.

If you listen to the group "Casting Crowns" you may know one of their songs "If we are the body." It talks about the church's responsibility to be united in love for the sake of bringing Jesus to others. Watch the video below.

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