Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Are You Sure?

by Ben Framstad

Student Ministries had the priviledge of explaining the gospel to over 200 students this last Sunday both in Middle School and High School Ministries. In High School, students were shown the gospel of Jesus Christ via paintboard, an old technique common of open air evangelists in urban centers.

The evangelist begins and ends with a somewhat haunting question: Are you sure you know where you are going after you die? That is the most important question of life. Many people believe in heaven, but there are many different opinions on how to get there. Some people say "Join a religion" or "Just be good." But how good is good enough?

One person's perspective that many fail to consult is God's. Since He's holy, His standard is perfect just like He is. We are left to miss the mark in maintaining righteousness. Instead we fall into lawlessness, or sin. Our sin forms a barrier between us and God.

While God must judge us according to our sins, He also wants to offer us a way to be redeemed. In love, He sent His Son to live a perfect life. Though he didn't deserve to die, he was executed on a roman cross. He took the penalty that we should have paid for our sin. But it didn't end there. After three days in the tomb, he rose again and was seen by over 500 people over the course of 40 days after he rose. Then he ascended into heaven in a slam-bang finish, all to seal the deal and offer us forgiveness.

To accept Jesus' free gift of forgiveness you must repent, which means you turn from your current life of sin and start going in Jesus direction. Then you must trust, or have faith in Jesus. Believe what Jesus said about himself, what the scriptures say he did, and the promises he has for you.

That's the gospel. :)

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