Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is Home

by Pastor Nick

This past weekend we kicked off our 2009-10 school year in student ministries by hosting a family worship service. With over 350 middle school students, high school students, and parents the morning was an overwhelming success.

We tried to crystalize who we are for students and families. Casting vision for the year and what God can do this school year. Last year we moved into a new facility and there was so much buzz about the building...but I enjoyed this year's kickoff more. It was more about people and lives changed. It was about reaching more students, it's about celebrating God's presence, it's about growing together, & about acting for Jesus in other's lives. We boil our ministry down to these 4 blocks that we build our 'home' on...building off the foundational mission of Jesus to develop fully devoted followers of Christ:

BLOCK 1: RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM - it's our desire to equip and empower students to reach their friends through genuine and authentic relationships.

BLOCK 2: STUDENT WORSHIP - weekly gathering of students to celebrate God's presence in our lives and learn what God says about our daily lives in the Word.

BLOCK 3: SMALL GROUPS - is the backbone to who we are. Students grow where they are connected and these groups foster a commitment to the life together.

BLOCK 4: STUDENT LEADERSHIP - focusing on Jesus' model of 'servant leadership' we see leadership development both as a program and an initiative.

There are more 'things' we do that supplement & support these blocks, but once a student is around these blocks they have a sense of belonging and a place to make spiritual memories...that's a spiritual home. That's Wooster Grace Student Ministries.

Sunday after all the people left, cards were collected, lights turned off I read one student's response to the morning. From a single parent home, without much spiritual influence in life he wrote, "This is my spiritual home, thanks!" I guess for him the vision is a reality...this is HOME!

This is Home from Wooster Grace Students on Vimeo.

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