Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Gift of a Friend

by Rachelle Graber

I got home one evening after a hard day of work and just wanted to lay around and do basically nothing. So I flopped myself down in front of the little black box called the television. Not seeing something that interested me at first glance I began flipping through the channels. Passing from commercials to news to more shows that were of no interest to me, I kept flipping through. I came to a channel with a music video on it. It was Disney channel. Yes, I'm a dork and sometimes watch The Disney channel (admit it, you all do it sometimes), but the thing that attracted me to it at that moment was the song that they were playing. The song was called "Gift of a Friend" sung by Demi Lovato.

Now let me tell you that this kind of hit me in the face a little bit. Not even realizing it, Disney channel and Demi Lovato hit me with a lesson in my faith. Let me explain. The chorus of the song is "The world comes to life, and everything's bright, From beginning to end, when you have a friend by your side, the helps you to find, the beauty you are, when you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend." Now through the past couple years of my teenage life I've always felt like I never really fit with anyone. Girls in particular. I don't have the kind of friendship that would be there forever. The friendships I have are just aquaintances. I don't feel like my friends are friends that I could talk to about anything. And the closer friends I have, have their own "best" friends already.

Now, "how in the world does this song teach a lesson of faith?" you ask.

The song, especially the chorus, made me realize that I do have a best friend. I have the greatest best friend of all. I have Jesus. No matter what I do he will always be my best friend. He gave his life so that He could be my best friend and so I could tell Him anything. Not only that, He sees me as the beautiful girl I am instead of the way of the world, which makes me feel inferior. He gave me the gift of HIS friendship. His eternal, wonderful, powerful friendship. And so, Disney channel taught me that I have the Gift of the greatest friend I could possibly have. I have the Lord Jesus Christ as me eternal best friend.

And that's how Disney channel taught me a lesson about my faith.
Tata for now, and maybe I'll have the privilege to write here again soon!
Rachelle :)

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