Tuesday, March 10, 2009

by Nick Cleveland

March Madness at HSM is called ACTion month. For the rest of the month we will up our focus on taking ACTion for Jesus! We want HSM to grapple with the concept of healing hurts of others in the name of Christ in big AND small ways.

We kicked off ACTion month by every small group doing a 15 minute service project in our church building helping the custodial crew turn the building around for school the next day (bath room cleaning, room set up , etc). This is just one of the many opportunities students will have this month...

But one of our focuses has been taking ACTion in our Jerusalem...SCHOOL! One adult associated with HSM illustrated our vision for taking ACTion on campus perfectly this week. Read her story:

"Nick, Had a neat experience today I wanted to share with you....A boy in my study hall threw a pencil and I saw it, so I went to the table and said who threw the pencil they laughed at me and smiled. A few minutes later I hear a pencil hit the window (again).....I walk back over and looked the boy in the eye. I ask "What is your name?" He tells me. I told him I saw him play basketball at noon and that he should have been on the team. He told me he has only been at our school for two weeks because he got kicked off his old school's bball team.

I walked away...He said hey do you go to Grace, and I said yes. I said why? He said his Grandmother has taken him there. I invited him to HSM. I started putting chairs down for lunch and he stood up and helped me. He said good bye to me and really seems to be struggling. Please pray for him. The kid is hurting and needs Jesus! Wish I could make a difference in his life."

This teacher already has began to make a difference in his life. She saw him there and cared enough to find out about him. That's where ACTion starts...now let's pray for where it ends - in Jesus!

1 comment:

T said...

Nick - You the mon! This is great information that is being taught and shared. Keep up the good work. God bless you & your fam and your ministry. It is worthwhile. Colossians 3:23 Tom Weckesser