Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wii Ministry?

by Nick Cleveland

Sitting in my office I couldn’t get him to open up at all. Not about sports. Not about girls. Not about family. Not about God. Nothing. A disconnected student who has no real point of relationship in our ministry. So what can a pastor do to enter into the life of a student who just isn’t interested in sharing anything? I was at the end of ideas…until one popped into my head. I said, “hey, let’s go down to the student center!” So he begrudgingly traveled with me to this remarkable new facility. Honestly I didn’t have a plan once we arrived there, but then I saw the Nintendo Wii’s.

His reaction to playing the Wii was unlike any non verbal I received in my office. So together we bowled with the Nintendo Wii. So what’s so significant with that? For 45 minutes he talked to me about everything…no really everything! I sat in amazement and wonder, thanking God for the opportunity. I would ask a question and he would answer almost like he didn’t know he was sharing.

But the best part is the result…the result of this young man getting connected to a loving and caring adult leader and 7-8 friends in a small group at Grace. Now he is growing through being connected. All because of the Nintendo Wii and the Spirit of God!

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