Thursday, June 25, 2009

by Pastor Nick

What are the students of Grace studying this summer? Well it's not Christianity lite at all! This summer in MSM & HSM students are digging into theology. As a matter of fact a number of high school students have began meeting during the week digging even deeper into the Word and studying theology together.

In June and July students are studying God, Scripture, Good & Evil, Humankind, Salvation, Sanctification, The Church, & Eternity. These are the CORE VIEWS of the faith. Below you'll see the 1 sentence belief about each being taught. Grab a devotional guide called "I Believe" from the Student Ministries table and journey along as we see how Christians should view the world!

GOD - I believe in a holy and personal God, three-in-one, equally eternal and God.
SCRIPTURE - I believe both the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God and has final authority in my life.
GOOD & EVIL - I believe in the influence of angels, demons, and Satan and the battle, which has been won by God through Jesus Christ.
HUMANKIND - I believe humans are created in the image of God and have been separated from Him because of sin, resulting in our desperate need for Gods love...the Savior, Jesus Christ.
SALVATION - I believe a person comes into a right relationship with God, by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
SANCTIFICATION - I believe because of my position in Christ I am becoming more like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
THE CHURCH - I believe the Bride of Christ is called to obedience and is God's primary means of accomplishing His purposes on earth.
ETERNITY - I believe there is an eternal heaven and a hell and that Jesus Christ will return at any moment to judge the earth and establish His eternal kingdom.

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